martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Blog Experience
For me, been able to create a blog was an exciting experience.   Why?  Easy, i have never done anything like this before.  At first, when creating the blogger, it was hard for me to know the basics of the gadgets of this webpage, but after a few days, this was part of the past because it was extremely entertaining to learn how to use Blogger. I currently have 11 blogpost including this one.  In each blog we did critical reflections of stories, quotes and authors.  My favorite part of this whole literature journey was being able to have a space to also talked about our inner and outer journey.  The reason that is my favorite part is because from there you can have your own space and talk about anything you like, but especially it is something about you  and it doesn't need to be as formal as a regular profesional work.  My inner journey is a special one, because this year has been a really tough one... I lost two of my love ones, my father and grandfather.  This project in some way has influence in me to just talk about it, but that has help me a lot emotionally.  But not everything is sad, this also made me relax because of the my semester stress.  In my outer journey, I talk about my life's goals. I bettered my English writing, now i'm better with my writing process and I write much faster. Sadly, is time to say a goodbye to the semester but with the head up high because I know I did the best for this years even though it had his up and down... reality of live.  I hope everyone learn from the experience from this year, like I did, for continuing with more strength to accomplish our goals in life.  Happy christmas to everyone, see ya!

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

About me

Hello there, welcome to my blog. So you can get to know me, I am going to make a brief autobiography of my life. My name is José A. Rohena Calzada, I study Psychology in the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras and I am in my third year of college. I was born 12 January 1995 in Carolina, Puerto Rico but currently I live in canóvanas. My passion is photography, psychology, singing and working out. I think that everything that makes you feel complete is an important thing everyone’s life and that how I feel when I cruise my beautiful island and take pictures of anything that look good with my photographer eye or reading and expanding my mind with a lecture of psychology or even working my body out. The mind and the body for me is an crucial part of our existence and getting to know them is something you can’t express but with care and dedication… and again welcome.


lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

Jamaica Kincaid's Quote Reflections

The quote I am going to explain is by Jamaica Kincaid.  The quote is: “Every native would like to find a way out, every native would like a rest, every native would like a tour. But some natives—most natives in the world—cannot go anywhere. They are too poor. They are too poor to go anywhere. They are too poor to escape the reality of their lives; and they are too poor to live properly in the place they live, which is the very place you, the tourist, want to go—so when the natives see you, the tourist, they envy you, they envy your ability to leave your own banality and boredom, they envy your ability to turn their own banality and boredom into a source of pleasure for yourself.”  For most people, this can be applied in their lives.  But I lived in Puerto Rico, a perfect vacation island.  This, for the regular civilians in the island can experiences an inner journey of their country, my country.  The reason that most of  the civilians of the island that can’t experience of the inner tourism is because they might have a busy live, not necessarily because they are poor.  I considered that Puerto Ricans are native and tourist at the same time because this is one of the best vacation island in the whole Caribbean.  In other words, Jamaica Kincaid’s hypothesis can be applied for certain places but not all of them.  In this case, my beautiful island, Puerto Rico her hypothesis failed.

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Happiness Journey
Eric Weiner, writer of the book Geography of Bliss, wanted to show how someone can reach happiness by traveling.  The main character was born in 1963 “year of the smiley face”, is a little ironic because he doesn’t consider himself a happy person.  He also says, the you write about you know and that he has travelled to unhappy places like Iraq etc… we can assume this is because that what he know or he is: an unhappy person.

A quote that I found interesting was: “happiness is not inside of us but out there”. That quote can then answer my statement that the main character is in search of happiness by travelling. We read the chapter 3 which is a travel to Bhutan “Happiness Is a Policy”.  The Character says that Bhutan national anthem is happiness as a doctrine of Lord Buddha. In this country happiness is an important thing for their culture.
Happiness is culture, so in some way, happiness is relative.  Citizens of a country depend a lot of their cultural view of what things are, how moral works and the emotional view of things. I think that what can make me happy, for another person it doesn’t mean that my feelings will be same as mine. Like in this stories, his way of searching for happiness is travelling because he has being all his live an unhappy person.
In easy words, happiness depends in you, depends of your moral views, the way you see things, and your emotional view of things.  In addition, happiness depends also in your social construct which is culture.  Culture is an important part because like we have already said, is something that has influence in you that comes by default in our lives.

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

One Time as a Tourist in Vans Shoe Store

I work on a fragrance store called “Fragrance Outlet” in The Outlet Mall in Canóvanas, Puerto Rico. I have always speak in English when a client enters the store I work on, when they are a “tourist” even though there is some that look just like a Puerto Rican.  Most of them, I just speak to them in English because you never know, probably they are Nuyoricans.
 So, I tried to pass out as a Nuyorican but obviously in another mall.  The mall was Plaza Carolina in Vans shoe store, I was wearing my working outfit, which it is compose of a formal shirt, pants and shoes, no Puerto Rican goes to a mall in that clothe… When I enter the store I spoke English to the sales associate, at first I thought they were going to notice that I was faking it, but no, it did work out!  She started assisting me in English so I continue. By mistake, I said a word to her in Spanish, I thought I messed it all up but I tried to persuade her that I knew a little Spanish because I was from New York. “Yo solou hablou un poquitou the español” with that americanish nuyorican accent. I can’t believe she believed it!  Maybe not, but she continue helping me in English. I did notice a little difference in the way she assisted me, most of Puerto Ricans when they go to the mall they don’t like a lot of assist from sales associate, including me. I saw that she assist so well I just couldn’t buy her. So I did take home my vans, very rare by the way.  At the end of the sale I laugh with her because I told her the truth and that is my story of my trying to pass as a tourist.

Before I Lived

Before I lived, I had this dream that I was going to be born in January, 1995 in Carolina, Puerto Rico.  I was going to be born in the UPR Hospital aka the “matadero” which is a Spanish word for slaughterhouse.  I remember that dream like if it was yesterday.  Thinking of it now, it is like having a dejavu of my present life.  I have these pictures in my mind which I can easily describe for you and that I am going to do it so you can get to know more about my past.

As you already know, before I was born, I had a life.  These memories are like a mirror of my actual life. Another of those dreams showed me that I was going to have a successful in life, goals in which I am still working to achieve them, but because I already lived it, I know I already achieved them.   For example I dreamed that in my childhood I was going to be a mature kid.  The reason that I considered myself a mature was because I was surrounded by adults my whole life.  This dream showed me how I was going to achieve getting accepted in the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras. 

They called me José A. Rohena Calzada.  Why José? Because my grandfather’s father name was José and my dad was also named José.  This dream showed me how I was going to pass through hard times to become a better person.  How I had to grow from separated parents.  How I had to dwell, when they fixed their relationship problems, losing my father from cancer and then 3 months later my grandfather.  My grandfather was the man who taught me values with his example, he was the man who raised me.  My father, I got to know him well when he came back to restore the time he wasn’t with me, I was 15 years old.  What I learned from him what his positive attitudes even in the worst times.  Those two men are extremely important in my life because they both showed me how to love and how to care about others.
This dream showed me how I had the courage to continue fighting for my goals, not only for me, but for them, especially for my mom because I am the only man left in her life. This had a meaning for me which the dream never explained to me and which I am now discovering.  That is, mutually, my mother and I be there for each other no matter what for ever and ever.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Naipaul's "Reading and Writing"

This is post is dedicated to last class which was Wednesday 10/21/2015 and the literature named “Reading and Writing”.  Basically we talked about the fiction put in autobiographies to make them more interesting.  This is what Naipaul used his autobiography to make it more interesting and to not be a flatten story.  Is interesting how Naipaul says he never considered himself a reader but a writer even though he never wrote a thing, but now he is doing well and we can observe it in his autobiography.

In addition, is interesting how the “Reading and Writing” starts, with a quote by Stendhal that says: “I have no memory at all. That’s one of the great defects of my mind: I keep on brooding over whatever interests me, by dint examining it from different mental points of view I eventually see something new in it, and I alter its whole aspect.  I point and extend the tubes of my glasses in all ways, or retract them”.  What the author is saying of his memory is a hyperbole, also I don’t consider it a defect.  I consider that helps him give more fiction to the story and help to not think a lot about.  What Stendhal said about how he keep on brooding over whatever interests him, you can relate it to the unconscious writing of Carl Jung, where you write your first thought with a second thought and relate them trying not to think, just putting the ideas logically.  Like we have said, Naipaul, has used this technique to make his story more interesting, he may may also be influenced by Carl Jung. The purpose is not about lying in your story but to not put all the truth.  This help to spice the things up, give interest to the readers.